Blowing In The Wind

Blowing In The Wind, Painting
Blowing In The Wind

Painting    48 x 48 x 3    $3,400.00   

Art Medium(s) Additional Information
Mixed Media on Panel - acrylic paint, graphite, crayon
Finding the unseen in nature is my journey on the trail today. I look up, I look down. What’s underfoot is sometimes of more interest than the horizon line. I am about to take a step, but forms catches my eye. I see opportunity in the path’s character. I stop and take a photo to etch in my mind. I take a close-up of the leaves and twigs that landed here at my feet from the wind and water that flows from mother nature's forces. I am enticed to look long and hard at the lines and shapes nature has formed here. I will use those shapes and lines in a way more freeform than exacting. Letting those lines continuously flow through me will welcome them into the studio.
Valerie Corvin is an American contemporary abstract painter working in the San Francisco Bay Area. Corvin holds a Master of Arts, Museum Administration and worked for the SFMOMA as a museum educator. Drawn to fine arts from her family background, both parents are artists, Corvin began painting twenty years ago, studying fine art at the California College of the Arts and with numerous painting instructors from around the country.