I'm Listening

I'm Listening, Mixed Media
I'm Listening

Mixed Media    16 x 21 x 1    $1,800.00   

Art Medium(s) Additional Information
watercolor on torn tissue collage
Framed Dimensions, if different
I was very impressed when I saw this mother intently listening to her daughter. I am hopeful more people in the world will listen to each other and truly hear what they are saying. This painting was created by predominantly painting watercolor over a paper surface where I had applied torn tissue paper with medium. It creates a beautiful surface with textural surprises.
I was born in Philadelphia, Pa and now reside in Lafayette, CA. I have been an artist for over 40 years. I see a common thread throughout my work- regardless if I am working with collage, watercolor or more recently acrylic paint. Primarily I am inspired by people and my environment - their physical, emotional and relational qualities. I want to explore the connections we all have and experience.